Desert View Aerial Photography is excited to be teaming up with one of the nation's largest real estate firms, Wood

Home » Aerial Photography Arizona » Sequential Aerial Photos of Aura on Broadway From Dirt to Done®.
Aerial photography sounds cool, doesn’t it! Marketing real estate projects is, well, necessary, but not always so cool. Marketing luxury apartment rentals near a major state university is a tall order. Students have no money. So the target is their parents. When a major apartment developer like Trinsic Residential Group looks to find the perfect location to build a new apartment community, they want the best view of the available locations to analyze its possibilities. Solution; aerial photography. It makes sense to see the location from above. The bird’s eye view helps visionary planners see the ground they are starting with from a unique perspective. But how does it help make marketing the apartments cool?
Aerial photography has been around since the era of hot air balloons and was pioneered in the Civil War on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line to monitor troop movements. Things have changed a bit since then, but the effectiveness of a quality aerial photo has not. You may ask, just how nice of a photo can be taken through a window of an aircraft? How can the photographer keep the camera steady, and get the correct setting for the lighting? Getting a grainy photo from an airborne plane of a dirt lot to build on is one thing, but to sell high end luxury apartment homes with aerial photos is quite another. Trinsic Residential Group saw the benefit of aerial photography for documenting the progress of their Aura on Broadway project in Tempe, Arizona, near the Arizona State University campus. And they can also use the aerial photos to market the property and keep potential buyers updated and interested in the project’s progress using the sequential aerial photo spread as a strategic marketing image.
Notice the sequential aerial photos shown. As the title of this article states; from dirt to done®. Real estate construction projects of this magnitude take a long time to complete. The use of aerial photos from the start of a project like this allowed the out of state corporate office to stay appraised visually of the progress. A picture is worth a thousand words, right? And way easier to digest that a 10 – page progress report. All the contractors involved are also able to see the progress of the project and make any necessary adjustments that have to be made. So Trinsic also was able to show potential contractors they had to hire at different phases of the project, what the project site looked like, and how the contractor fit in to the plan. Surely they were able to get more accurate bids as there was an outstanding aerial visual aid associated with the job site. Is this marketing? It sure is! Getting contractor bids on this large of a project is a sales scenario, and Trinsic needed to market the viability of the project to potential vendors and contractors. The ability to show an aerial overview of the project and its progress phases can help get the best vendors to bid because they perceive the builder to be very competent and organized if they have this kind of a resource for the project bidding process.
Contractors want to work on the best projects with the best companies. That goes for any custom building project. The first of these photos, the “dirt phase” was taken in March of 2015 by Desert View Aerial Photography of Mesa, Arizona. The last one was taken in early July of 2016. The project is near completion and the final photo image will tentatively be done in August of 2016 when the project is complete. As can be seen, the progress over an 18-month period is quite impressive. Seeing the rate of the progress is a marketing testimonial to the developer and its project managers. Trinsic Residential Group is very satisfied with the work that Desert View Aerial photography has produced for them, and why not, these shots are beautiful, crisp, clean, clear and professional, reflecting the image of Trinsic Residential Group. Again, a very good visual marketing message. And supplied by a quality conscious visual marketing firm.
Real estate developers like Trinsic rely on high end vendors to craft their luxury residential rental homes into environments that people will want to pay top dollar to lease. The financial success of the property is inherent on getting the right type of client to lease their units at a premium price. Once the property is ready to accept tenants, these high-end aerial photos can be used in the marketing collateral and on website and other social and digital marketing components. In the sales office this series of photos as a large format marketing display can help the leasing agents tell the story of the property to help close sales. Stories are the best way to sell anything, and what an impressive visual story Trinsic Residential Group can tell about the construction of their luxury Aura on Broadway residential apartment community.
Whether from a fixed wing plane or a helicopter, this type of aerial photography takes a person with an artistic talent and a lot of moxie to hang out of an aircraft to get the right shot for a client. Desert View Aerial Photography photos were an asset to Trinsic Residential Group as a visual aid in the telling of the story of Aura on Broadway. Successful marketing is an ongoing saga with any product. Real estate of any kind is one of the most difficult of any products to market. Aerial photography was a great solution to help market Aura on Broadway for the Trinsic Residential Group. There is an old black and white photo that shows a photographer standing on the top wing of a bi-plane in flight from the early era of aeronautics with a tripod and box camera tied to the wing taken by another bi-plane aerial photographer from a plane flying along beside. Now that was dedication to the art of aerial photography. That photo is still around. Testament to the impact of aerial photography and the benefit of using it in marketing.
Desert View Aerial Photography is excited to be teaming up with one of the nation's largest real estate firms, Wood
Aerial photography is an excellent way to build your reputation as a developer or construction company by documenting the success
Happy New Year Everyone! Desert View Aerial Photography is ready for 2014. Had a beautiful flight this morning and we
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Desert View Aerial Photography