Expert insights to better branding for construction companies

The following Q&A covers how to build a winning brand strategy in the construction sector. The provided responses were taken from brand strategist and founder of Red Shoes Marketing Group Kim Gauthier. Kim specializes in brand marketing for small- and medium-sized businesses. She has more than 20 years’ experience serving […]

The Rapid Evolution of Aerial Photography

Aerial photography has evolved from mapping to assist in early military planning to an established investment option for a multitude of industries, including the commercial real estate industry and construction sector. Broader awareness of the benefits of aerial photography, especially with regards to land use and land cover analyses has […]

Construction Planning for Millennial Clients

Millennials are often the most overlooked yet profitable audience segments for construction. Millennials, individuals born between 1980 and 2000, are the largest living generation, surpassing the outsized baby boomer generation. There are approximately eighty million millennials in America alone, with $200 billion in annual buying power, Advertising Age said. Unfortunately, […]

Social Media Offers Construction Sector a Competitive Edge

From hype to insight, social media delivers big business value to progressive construction firms. New data from the Construction Marketing Association declared social networks as a leading method amongst construction professionals for attracting new business, as well as managing communication across geographically dispersed construction teams. Social media is transforming how […]

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